Bloom courageously explores themes that often remain unaddressed, inviting us to engage in conversations about challenging subjects and realize we are not alone in this human experience.

With each step forward, Rose's inner director constantly derails her. Bloom asks, "Who is running your show?" And ultimately, who is in control of your life - you or the mind?

"The only way out of darkness is to shine a light on it." - Brené Brown

“One should become the master of one’s mind rather than let one’s mind master him.” -Nichiren

Stephanie Michelle, inspired by her father's tragic suicide, created the character Razum in her award-nominated screenplay Bloom. Through the captivating story of Rose, an aspiring actress, Stephanie illuminates the universal struggle of being unaware of the power to reject the negative voice in one's head. Her personal experiences infuse the narrative with authenticity and empower viewers to shape their own narratives, overcoming internal challenges. "Bloom" inspires us to transcend limitations and achieve greatness.